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Boosting Photovoltaic Output of Ferroelectric Ceramics by Optoelectric Control of Domains
Advanced Materials ( IF 29.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-14 , DOI: 10.1002/adma.201803821
Yang Bai 1 , Gaurav Vats 2 , Jan Seidel 2 , Heli Jantunen 1 , Jari Juuti 1

Photo‐ferroelectric single crystals and highly oriented thin‐films have been extensively researched recently, with increasing photovoltaic energy conversion efficiency (from 0.5% up to 8.1%) achieved. Rare attention has been paid to polycrystalline ceramics, potentially due to their negligible efficiency. However, ceramics offer simple and cost‐effective fabrication routes and stable performance compared to single crystals and thin‐films. Therefore, a significantly increased efficiency of photo‐ferroelectric ceramics contributes toward widened application areas for photo‐ferroelectrics, e.g., multisource energy harvesting. Here, all‐optical domain control under illumination, visible‐range light‐tunable photodiode/transistor phenomena and optoelectrically tunable photovoltaic properties are demonstrated, using a recently discovered photo‐ferroelectric ceramic (K0.49Na0.49Ba0.02)(Nb0.99Ni0.01)O2.995. For this monolithic material, tuning of the electric conductivity independent of the ferroelectricity is achieved, which previously could only be achieved in organic phase‐separate blends. Guided by these discoveries, a boost of five orders of magnitude in the photovoltaic output power and energy conversion efficiency is achieved via optical and electrical control of ferroelectric domains in an energy‐harvesting circuit. These results provide a potentially supplementary approach and knowledge for other photo‐ferroelectrics to further boost their efficiency for energy‐efficient circuitry designs and enable the development of a wide range of optoelectronic devices.



近年来,对光铁电单晶和高度取向的薄膜进行了广泛的研究,实现了光伏能量转换效率的提高(从0.5%到8.1%)。多晶陶瓷由于其效率可忽略,因此很少受到关注。但是,与单晶和薄膜相比,陶瓷提供了简单且具有成本效益的制造路线,并且性能稳定。因此,光电铁电陶瓷效率的显着提高有助于光电铁电应用领域的扩大,例如,多源能量收集。在此,展示了在照明,可见光可调光的光电二极管/晶体管现象以及光电可调的光伏特性下的全光域控制,0.49 Na 0.49 Ba 0.02)(Nb 0.99 Ni 0.01)O 2.995。对于这种整体式材料,可以实现与铁电性无关的电导率调节,这以前只能在有机相分离的共混物中实现。在这些发现的指导下,通过能量收集电路中铁电畴的光学和电气控制,将光伏输出功率和能量转换效率提高了五个数量级。这些结果为其他光电铁电体提供了潜在的补充方法和知识,以进一步提高其在高能效电路设计中的效率,并能够开发各种光电器件。