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Reply to Million et al
Clinical Infectious Diseases ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-06 , DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciy460
Erik R Dubberke 1 , Ken Blount 2 , Dale N Gerding 3

To the Editor—We appreciate the comments by Million et al regarding the safety of RBX2660 [1]. We also agree Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. CDI afflicts the sickest and frailest of our patients, with increases in hospital and nursing home admissions and mortality that persist at least 6 months after the initial episode [2]. This is especially true for patients with recurrent CDI. At 6 months after an initial episode of CDI, Olsen et al found that 36.3% of patients with recurrent CDI had died, compared to 25.7% of patients with a single episode, for a hazard ratio of 1.33 (95% confidence interval 1.12–1.58) on multivariable analysis [3]. As shocking as these objective data are, they only scratch the surface in regards to how devastating recurrent CDI can be to quality of life [2, 4].



致编辑-我们感谢Million等人对RBX2660 [1]的安全性所发表的评论。我们也同意艰难梭菌感染(CDI)与明显的发病率和死亡率相关。CDI困扰着我们病情最重,最脆弱的患者,住院和疗养院入院人数的增加以及死亡率在初次发作后至少6个月持续存在[2]。对于CDI复发的患者尤其如此。在CDI初次发作后6个月,Olsen等人发现36.3%的CDI复发患者死亡,而单次发作为25.7%,危险比为1.33(95%置信区间1.12–1.58) )进行多变量分析[3]。尽管这些客观数据令人震惊,但它们仅涉及到经常性CDI对生活质量的毁灭性影响[2,4]。