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Utilization of residues from rice parboiling industries in southern Brazil for biogas and hydrogen-syngas generation: heat, electricity and energy planning
Renewable Energy ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2018.07.014
Willian Cézar Nadaleti

Abstract Brazil is one of the world’s largest rice producers with trends for the growth of this sector. During the processing of the grain, high amounts of husk are generated, corresponding to 22% of its weight. On the other hand, in the process of parboiling, in turn, the final result is considerable volumes of effluent rich in organic matter. Thereby, this study demonstrates in an energetic, economic and environmental way the possibilities of using these residues for power generation in the southern Brazilian rice parboiling industries. Two scenarios are presented: the first, with the use of biogas and the second, with the use of hydrogen-rich syngas. A case study was made in one of these industries, where it was discussed in detail the energy potential coming from systems operating with a CHP genset, using hydrogen-rich syngas from the rice husks and the biogas from the anaerobic treatment of the effluents. The results have shown that it is possible to produce more than 2,17E+04 MWh of electricity just considering the use of the biogas generated. On the other hand, the use of syngas generates enough thermal energy to operate the entire industrial process, with a surplus of 53,3% in MWh/year.



摘要 巴西是世界上最大的稻米生产国之一,该部门的发展趋势良好。在谷物加工过程中,会产生大量的谷壳,相当于其重量的 22%。另一方面,在预煮过程中,最终结果是大量富含有机物的流出物。因此,这项研究以一种充满活力、经济和环保的方式展示了在巴西南部的水稻蒸煮工业中利用这些残留物发电的可能性。提出了两种方案:第一种,使用沼气,第二种,使用富氢合成气。在其中一个行业中进行了案例研究,详细讨论了使用 CHP 发电机组运行的系统的能源潜力,使用来自稻壳的富氢合成气和来自废水厌氧处理的沼气。结果表明,仅考虑使用产生的沼气,就有可能产生超过 2,17E+04 MWh 的电力。另一方面,合成气的使用产生足够的热能来运行整个工业过程,每年有 53.3% 的盈余。