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New Subsolid Pulmonary Nodules in Lung Cancer Screening: The NELSON Trial
Journal of Thoracic Oncology ( IF 20.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2018.05.006
Joan E. Walter , Marjolein A. Heuvelmans , Uraujh Yousaf-Khan , Monique D. Dorrius , Erik Thunnissen , Anna Schermann , Harry J.M. Groen , Carlijn M. van der Aalst , Kristiaan Nackaerts , Rozemarijn Vliegenthart , Harry J. de Koning , Matthijs Oudkerk

Introduction: Low‐dose computed tomography (LDCT) lung cancer screening is recommended in the United States. While new solid nodules after baseline screening have a high lung cancer probability at small size and require lower size cutoff values than baseline nodules, there only is limited evidence on management of new subsolid nodules. Methods: Within the Dutch‐Belgian randomized controlled LDCT lung cancer screening trial (NELSON), 7557 participants underwent baseline screening between April 2004 and December 2006. Participants with new subsolid nodules detected after the baseline screening round were included. Results: In the three incidence screening rounds, 60 new subsolid nodules (43 [72%] part‐solid, 17 [28%] nonsolid) not visible in retrospect were detected in 51 participants, representing 0.7% (51 of 7295) of participants with at least one incidence screening. Eventually, 6% (3 of 51) of participants with a new subsolid nodule were diagnosed with (pre‐)malignancy in such a nodule. All (pre‐)malignancies were adenocarcinoma (in situ) and diagnostic workup (referral 950, 364, and 366 days after first detection, respectively) showed favorable staging (stage I). Overall, 67% (33 of 49) of subsolid nodules with an additional follow‐up screening were resolving. Conclusions: Less than 1% of participants in LDCT lung cancer screening presents with a new subsolid nodule after baseline. Contrary to new solid nodules, data suggest that new subsolid nodules may not require a more aggressive follow‐up.


肺癌筛查中的新亚实性肺结节:NELSON 试验

简介:美国推荐进行低剂量计算机断层扫描 (LDCT) 肺癌筛查。虽然基线筛查后的新实性结节在小尺寸时肺癌的可能性很高,并且需要比基线结节更低的尺寸临界值,但关于新亚实性结节管理的证据有限。方法:在荷兰-比利时随机对照 LDCT 肺癌筛查试验 (NELSON) 中,7557 名参与者在 2004 年 4 月至 2006 年 12 月期间接受了基线筛查。包括在基线筛查回合后检测到新的亚实性结节的参与者。结果:在三轮发病率筛查中,在 51 名参与者中检测到 60 个新的亚实性结节(43 [72%] 部分实性,17 [28%] 非实性)回顾性不可见,代表 0。7%(7295 人中的 51 人)至少进行过一次发病率筛查。最终,6%(51 人中的 3 人)患有新的亚实性结节的参与者被诊断为此类结节的(前期)恶性肿瘤。所有(前)恶性肿瘤均为腺癌(原位)和诊断性检查(分别在首次检测后 950、364 和 366 天转诊)显示良好的分期(I 期)。总体而言,67%(49 个中的 33 个)亚实性结节通过额外的随访筛查得到解决。结论:低于 1% 的 LDCT 肺癌筛查参与者在基线后出现新的亚实性结节。与新的实性结节相反,数据表明新的亚实性结节可能不需要更积极的随访。所有(前)恶性肿瘤均为腺癌(原位)和诊断性检查(分别在首次检测后 950、364 和 366 天转诊)显示良好的分期(I 期)。总体而言,67%(49 个中的 33 个)亚实性结节通过额外的随访筛查得到解决。结论:低于 1% 的 LDCT 肺癌筛查参与者在基线后出现新的亚实性结节。与新的实性结节相反,数据表明新的亚实性结节可能不需要更积极的随访。所有(前)恶性肿瘤均为腺癌(原位)和诊断性检查(分别在首次检测后 950、364 和 366 天转诊)显示良好的分期(I 期)。总体而言,67%(49 个中的 33 个)亚实性结节通过额外的随访筛查得到解决。结论:低于 1% 的 LDCT 肺癌筛查参与者在基线后出现新的亚实性结节。与新的实性结节相反,数据表明新的亚实性结节可能不需要更积极的随访。低于 1% 的 LDCT 肺癌筛查参与者在基线后出现新的亚实性结节。与新的实性结节相反,数据表明新的亚实性结节可能不需要更积极的随访。低于 1% 的 LDCT 肺癌筛查参与者在基线后出现新的亚实性结节。与新的实性结节相反,数据表明新的亚实性结节可能不需要更积极的随访。