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Poster couple
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-15 , DOI: 10.1126/science.360.6394.1172
Jon Cohen

Tatiana Vinogradova, deputy director of St. Petersburg's AIDS center, is married to an HIV-positive man, Andrey Skvortsov. Many couples of course have "discordant" HIV status, but because Vinogradova is a leader in the city's response to the epidemic and Skvortsov is a well-known patient advocate, they agreed to appear on a poster that told their story, in the hopes of convincing others that there's no reason to fear HIV-infected people. They also want to reduce bias and fear in the medical community, as many doctors, dentists, and other professionals still shy away from offering care to people who are living with HIV.



圣彼得堡爱滋病中心副主任塔蒂亚娜·维诺格拉多娃(Tatiana Vinogradova)已嫁给一名艾滋病毒呈阳性的男子,安德烈·斯科沃佐夫(Andrey Skvortsov)。当然,许多夫妇的艾滋病毒状况“令人不快”,但是由于维诺格拉多娃是该市应对流行病的领导者,而斯科沃佐夫是一位著名的患者倡导者,他们同意出现在讲述他们故事的海报上,希望说服他人没有理由担心感染了HIV的人。他们还希望减少医学界的偏见和恐惧,因为许多医生,牙医和其他专业人员仍然回避为艾滋病毒携带者提供护理。
