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Influence of school environments on childhood obesity in California
Environmental Research ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2018.04.022
Alberto M. Ortega Hinojosa , Kara E. MacLeod , John Balmes , Michael Jerrett


To conduct a state-wide examination of public schools and the school neighborhood as potential targets for environmental public health tracking to address childhood obesity.


We examined the relationship of social and physical environmental attributes of the school environment (within school and neighborhood) and childhood obesity in California with machine learning (Random Forest) and multilevel methods. We used data compiled from the California Department of Education, the U.S. Geological Survey, ESRI's Business Analyst, the U.S. Census, and other public sources for ecologic level variables for various years and assessed their relative importance to obesity as determined from the statewide Physical Fitness Test 2003 through 2007 for grades 5, 7, and 9 (n = 5,265,265).


In addition to individual-level race and gender, the following within and school neighborhood variables ranked as the most important model contributors based on the Random Forest analysis and were included in multilevel regressions clustered on the county. Violent crime, English learners, socioeconomic disadvantage, fewer physical education (PE) and fully credentialed teachers, and diversity index were positively associated with obesity while academic performance index, PE participation, mean educational attainment and per capita income were negatively associated with obesity. The most highly ranked built or physical environment variables were distance to the nearest highway and greenness, which were 10th and 11th most important, respectively.


Many states in the U.S. do not have school-based surveillance programs that collect body mass index data. System-level determinants of obesity can be important for tracking and intervention. The results of these analyses suggest that the school social environment factors may be especially important. Disadvantaged and low academic performing schools have a higher risk for obesity. Supporting such schools in a targeted way may be an efficient way to intervene and could impact both health and academic outcomes. Some of the more important variables, such as having credentialed teachers and participating in PE, are modifiable risk factors.






我们使用机器学习(随机森林)和多级方法研究了学校环境(在学校和社区内)的社会和自然环境属性与加利福尼亚州儿童肥胖的关系。我们使用了加利福尼亚教育部,美国地质调查局,ESRI的业务分析师,美国人口普查以及其他公共来源收集的数据,对多年来的生态水平变量进行了评估,并根据全州身体素质测验评估了它们对肥胖症的相对重要性。 2003年至2007年,分别为5、7和9年级(n = 5,265,265)。




