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Effect of Canning and Freezing on the Nutritional Content of Apricots
Journal of Food Science ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-05-22 , DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.14157
Erin Claire Adkison 1 , William B Biasi 1 , Veronique Bikoba 1 , Dirk M Holstege 2 , Elizabeth J Mitcham 1

The effect of commercial canning and freezing on the nutritional content of fresh apricots was investigated. Processed samples were analyzed post-processing and after 3 months of storage and compared directly to fresh apricots from the same source. Vitamin C, beta-carotene, total phenols, and antioxidants were quantified. Compared to fresh, canned apricots initially exhibited similar levels of antioxidants, a 17% increase in beta-carotene, and a 48% increase in phenols, while vitamin C was reduced by 37%. After 3 months of storage, antioxidant levels were 47% higher than fresh. Vitamin C did not change significantly following storage and beta-carotene decreased by 15%. The canned apricot fruit packed in light syrup did not have higher total soluble solids (TSS) levels indicating no increase in fruit sugar content. Frozen apricots exhibited large increases in antioxidants (529%), beta-carotene (35%), vitamin C (3,370%), and phenols (406%) compared to fresh. After 3 months of storage, frozen apricots decreased in vitamin C (29%) and phenols (17%), but remained 2,375% and 318% higher than fresh, respectively. Beta-carotene increased during storage, reaching levels 56% higher than fresh while antioxidant activity was unchanged. This study demonstrates that key nutrients in canned and frozen apricots are retained or amplified upon processing, with the exception of vitamin C in canned apricots. The routine addition of citric and ascorbic acid to fruit prior to freezing resulted in significantly higher antioxidants, vitamin C, and phenols. Consumers eating canned or frozen apricots can feel confident of similar or superior nutritional content as compared to fresh apricots. PRACTICAL APPLICATION The apricot industry is limited by the short shelf life of the fruit and consumer belief that processed produce is not as nutritious as fresh. Assessing the nutritional content of canned and frozen apricots and determining that processed apricots can deliver nearly comparable nutrient levels to fresh apricots provides the evidence needed to dispel these misconceptions and potentially increase demand for processed apricots among consumers.



研究了商业罐头和冷冻对鲜杏营养成分的影响。处理后的样品在处理后和储存 3 个月后进行分析,并直接与来自同一来源的新鲜杏子进行比较。对维生素 C、β-胡萝卜素、总酚和抗氧化剂进行了量化。与新鲜相比,杏罐头最初表现出相似水平的抗氧化剂,β-胡萝卜素增加了 17%,酚类增加了 48%,而维生素 C 减少了 37%。储存 3 个月后,抗氧化水平比新鲜的高 47%。储存后维生素 C 没有显着变化,β-胡萝卜素下降了 15%。包装在淡糖浆中的杏罐头没有较高的总可溶性固体 (TSS) 水平,表明水果糖含量没有增加。与新鲜相比,冷冻杏子的抗氧化剂 (529%)、β-胡萝卜素 (35%)、维生素 C (3,370%) 和酚类 (406%) 含量大幅增加。储存 3 个月后,冷冻杏子的维生素 C (29%) 和酚类 (17%) 含量下降,但分别比新鲜杏子高 2,375% 和 318%。β-胡萝卜素在储存期间增加,达到比新鲜高 56% 的水平,而抗氧化活性没有变化。这项研究表明,罐装和冷冻杏子中的关键营养素在加工过程中被保留或放大,但杏子罐头中的维生素 C 除外。在冷冻前向水果中常规添加柠檬酸和抗坏血酸会显着提高抗氧化剂、维生素 C 和酚类物质的含量。与新鲜杏子相比,食用罐装或冷冻杏子的消费者可以对相似或更高的营养成分充满信心。实际应用 杏产业受到水果保质期短和消费者认为加工产品不如新鲜产品营养丰富的限制。评估罐装和冷冻杏子的营养成分并确定加工杏子可以提供与新鲜杏子几乎相当的营养水平,为消除这些误解并可能增加消费者对加工杏子的需求提供了必要的证据。