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Optimization of the formulation of chitosan edible coating supplemented with carotenoproteins and their use for extending strawberries postharvest life
Food Hydrocolloids ( IF 10.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2018.05.013
Sawssen Hajji , Islem Younes , Sawsan Affes , Sami Boufi , Moncef Nasri

Abstract The aim of this study was to prepare chitosan (CS) edible films containing shrimp carotenoproteins (CP) and plasticized with glycerol and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) using the casting method. The effects of CS (1–3%), glycerol (0–10%) and CP (0–3%) amounts on mechanical properties, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of CS-CP composite films (CSCPFs) were studied using response surface methodology (RSM). The structural properties of CSCPFs were greatly influenced by CS, then by glycerol and CP amounts. According to the best fit and response surfaces, the optimized conditions were found to be 2.43% of CS, 9.93% of glycerol and 0.005% of CP. These conditions allow obtaining the highest elongation at break (149.11%) and tensile strength (24.07 MPa), as well as good antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant activities of 20.64 mm, 21.93 mm and 51.08%, respectively. Due to their important antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, CS (1.5%) and CS-CP (1.5%–1%) edible coatings were used for strawberries preservation. Microbiological quality and physicochemical properties (pH, weight loss and titrable acidity) were evaluated during storage at 4 °C for 11 days. Results showed that CS and CS-CP coatings were effective on reducing the fungal decay (45–50%), as compared to the uncoated fruits (75%). In addition, it was observed that the weight loss of CS and CS-CP coated strawberries was significantly lower than that of the uncoated ones. Furthermore, phytopathogenic growth on the surface of cold-stored fruits was significantly inhibited for the coated fruits, which extend the strawberries shelf life during storage. Based on our findings, CS and CS-CP showed potential coatings for controlling food-borne bacteria and natural microorganism growth during the cold storage of strawberries.



摘要 本研究的目的是通过浇铸法制备含有虾类胡萝卜素蛋白(CP)并用甘油和聚乙烯醇(PVA)增塑的壳聚糖(CS)可食用薄膜。使用响应面方法研究 CS (1–3%)、甘油 (0–10%) 和 CP (0–3%) 用量对 CS-CP 复合膜 (CSCPF) 的机械性能、抗氧化和抗菌活性的影响(RSM)。CSCPFs 的结构特性受 CS 的影响很大,然后是甘油和 CP 的量。根据最佳拟合和响应面,发现优化条件为 2.43% 的 CS、9.93% 的甘油和 0.005% 的 CP。这些条件允许获得最高的断裂伸长率 (149.11%) 和拉伸强度 (24.07 MPa),以及 20.64 毫米的良好抗菌、抗真菌和抗氧化活性,21。分别为 93 毫米和 51.08%。由于其重要的抗氧化和抗菌特性,CS (1.5%) 和 CS-CP (1.5%–1%) 可食用涂层被用于草莓保鲜。在 4°C 下储存 11 天期间,对微生物质量和理化特性(pH、重量损失和可滴定酸度)进行了评估。结果表明,与未涂覆的水果 (75%) 相比,CS 和 CS-CP 涂层可有效减少真菌腐烂 (45-50%)。此外,观察到 CS 和 CS-CP 涂层草莓的失重显着低于未涂层草莓。此外,涂层水果显着抑制了冷藏水果表面的植物病原生长,从而延长了草莓在储存过程中的保质期。根据我们的发现,