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The size of eye-shaped bubbles in Danish pastry in relation to the size of fat fragments; A reverse engineering approach of the alveolar structure
Journal of Food Engineering ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-04-25
Lucas Tiphaine, Collewet Guylaine, Bousquières Josselin, Deligny Cécile

This study characterized the size distributions of eye-shaped bubbles as a function of different number of fat layers (NFL) (4-128) in Danish pastry. This allowed for the first time, without which it is difficult to objectively define a coarse crumb texture typical of craft products, a too fine crumb texture typical of over-lamination, or and the sizes of the bubbles typical of maximum lift. Ten to 20 mm wide bubbles did not differ in number with the NFL, except in over-laminated pastry in which their number decreased. Five-10 mm wide bubbles increased in number between 16 and 48 fat layers and explained the difference in crumb texture (more regular) and lift (+16%). One to 5 mm wide bubbles, rather round in shape, increased with the NFL, contributing to more regular crumb texture and predominated in over-laminated pastry. The number of eye-shaped bubbles was then correlated with the number of fat fragments, giving a ratio of 5 of the widths of bubbles to fat fragments. This result was logical knowing that bubbles also increase in size in the fat layers, as demonstrated earlier by MRI monitoring of Danish pastry during proving. This result also offered the opportunity of optimizing the alveolar structure of finish Danish pastry from the lamination step, using the degree of fat fragmentation at this step. The impact of these results on the usual view of bubble growth in Danish pastry is last discussed.



这项研究描述了丹麦糕点中眼形气泡的大小分布与不同脂肪层数(NFL)(4-128)的关系。这是第一次,如果没有它,就很难客观地定义典型的手工艺品产品的粗碎屑质地,过分层压的太细碎屑质地或最大升力所典型的气泡尺寸。10至20毫米宽的气泡与NFL的数量没有差异,但覆膜糕点的气泡数量有所减少。5至10毫米宽的气泡在16至48个脂肪层之间增加了数量,并解释了面包屑质地(更规则)和提起(+ 16%)之间的差异。NFL增加了1到5毫米宽的气泡,形状相当圆润,有助于形成更规则的面包屑质地,并且在覆面的糕点中占主导地位。然后将眼形气泡的数量与脂肪碎片的数量相关联,得出气泡与脂肪碎片的宽度之比为5。逻辑上知道,气泡在脂肪层中的大小也会增加,这是合乎逻辑的,正如先前在验证过程中通过MRI丹麦糕点的MRI监测所证明的。该结果还提供了在层压步骤中利用脂肪碎裂程度优化层压后成品丹麦糕点的牙槽结构的机会。最后讨论了这些结果对丹麦糕点中气泡生长的通常看法的影响。如先前在验证过程中通过MRI丹麦糕点的MRI监测所证明的那样。该结果还提供了在层压步骤中利用脂肪碎裂程度优化层压后成品丹麦糕点的牙槽结构的机会。最后讨论了这些结果对丹麦糕点中气泡生长的通常看法的影响。如先前在验证过程中通过MRI丹麦糕点的MRI监测所证明的那样。该结果还提供了在层压步骤中利用脂肪碎裂程度优化层压后成品丹麦糕点的牙槽结构的机会。最后讨论了这些结果对丹麦糕点中气泡生长的通常看法的影响。
