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The adoption of building-integrated photovoltaics: barriers and facilitators
Renewable Energy ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2018.04.001
Hans Christoph Curtius

Widespread deployment of building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) could potentially lead to a multiplication of the area available for harvesting solar energy in densely populated countries. Despite its advantages to contribute to meeting renewable energy targets and substitute conventional building materials, the diffusion of BIPV has so far remained well below expectations. This paper investigates barriers to and facilitators of adoption based on 43 qualitative interviews with stakeholders across the BIPV value chain. It conceptualizes a framework that classifies the determinants of the adoption processes of renewable energy technologies and of BIPV in particular. Product-specific, stakeholder-specific and institutional barriers are identified. Central product-specific barriers include high initial costs and high complexity. The main stakeholder-specific barriers are low awareness of BIPV, and the reluctance of many architects to adopt BIPV. Institutional barriers refer to political risks. The paper derives recommendations for policy makers and marketers. Successful BIPV policies should create clear incentives for BIPV adopters, either in the form of financial support or inclusion of BIPV in building codes or labels. As for marketing, BIPV suppliers should develop targeted communication strategies towards building owners and architects and offer turn-key solar roofs in order to overcome concerns about the complexity of BIPV.



建筑集成光伏 (BIPV) 的广泛部署可能会导致人口稠密国家可用于收集太阳能的面积成倍增加。尽管 BIPV 在有助于实现可再生能源目标和替代传统建筑材料方面具有优势,但迄今为止,BIPV 的普及仍远低于预期。本文基于对 BIPV 价值链中的利益相关者的 43 次定性访谈,调查了采用的障碍和促进因素。它概念化了一个框架,该框架对可再生能源技术特别是 BIPV 的采用过程的决定因素进行了分类。确定了特定于产品、特定于利益相关者和机构的障碍。特定于产品的核心障碍包括高初始成本和高复杂性。主要的利益相关者特定障碍是对 BIPV 的认识不足,以及许多建筑师不愿采用 BIPV。制度障碍是指政治风险。本文为政策制定者和营销人员提供了建议。成功的 BIPV 政策应该为 BIPV 的采用者创造明确的激励措施,无论是财政支持还是将 BIPV 纳入建筑规范或标签的形式。在营销方面,BIPV 供应商应针对业主和建筑师制定有针对性的沟通策略,并提供交钥匙太阳能屋顶,以克服对 BIPV 复杂性的担忧。成功的 BIPV 政策应该为 BIPV 的采用者创造明确的激励措施,无论是财政支持还是将 BIPV 纳入建筑规范或标签的形式。在营销方面,BIPV 供应商应针对业主和建筑师制定有针对性的沟通策略,并提供交钥匙太阳能屋顶,以克服对 BIPV 复杂性的担忧。成功的 BIPV 政策应该为 BIPV 的采用者创造明确的激励措施,无论是财政支持还是将 BIPV 纳入建筑规范或标签的形式。在营销方面,BIPV 供应商应针对业主和建筑师制定有针对性的沟通策略,并提供交钥匙太阳能屋顶,以克服对 BIPV 复杂性的担忧。