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A suppression of differential rotation in Jupiter’s deep interior
Nature ( IF 64.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-08 , DOI: 10.1038/nature25775
T. Guillot , Y. Miguel , B. Militzer , W. B. Hubbard , Y. Kaspi , E. Galanti , H. Cao , R. Helled , S. M. Wahl , L. Iess , W. M. Folkner , D. J. Stevenson , J. I. Lunine , D. R. Reese , A. Biekman , M. Parisi , D. Durante , J. E. P. Connerney , S. M. Levin , S. J. Bolton

Jupiter’s atmosphere is rotating differentially, with zones and belts rotating at speeds that differ by up to 100 metres per second. Whether this is also true of the gas giant’s interior has been unknown, limiting our ability to probe the structure and composition of the planet. The discovery by the Juno spacecraft that Jupiter’s gravity field is north–south asymmetric and the determination of its non-zero odd gravitational harmonics J3, J5, J7 and J9 demonstrates that the observed zonal cloud flow must persist to a depth of about 3,000 kilometres from the cloud tops. Here we report an analysis of Jupiter’s even gravitational harmonics J4, J6, J8 and J10 as observed by Juno and compared to the predictions of interior models. We find that the deep interior of the planet rotates nearly as a rigid body, with differential rotation decreasing by at least an order of magnitude compared to the atmosphere. Moreover, we find that the atmospheric zonal flow extends to more than 2,000 kilometres and to less than 3,500 kilometres, making it fully consistent with the constraints obtained independently from the odd gravitational harmonics. This depth corresponds to the point at which the electric conductivity becomes large and magnetic drag should suppress differential rotation. Given that electric conductivity is dependent on planetary mass, we expect the outer, differentially rotating region to be at least three times deeper in Saturn and to be shallower in massive giant planets and brown dwarfs.



木星的大气层以不同的方式旋转,区域和带的旋转速度相差高达每秒 100 米。这颗气态巨行星的内部是否也是如此还不得而知,这限制了我们探测行星结构和组成的能力。朱诺号航天器发现木星的重力场是南北不对称的,并且确定其非零奇重力谐波 J3、J5、J7 和 J9 表明,观测到的纬向云流必须持续到距地球约 3,000 公里的深度。云顶。在这里,我们报告了朱诺号观测到的木星偶引力谐波 J4、J6、J8 和 J10 的分析,并与内部模型的预测进行了比较。我们发现行星的内部深处几乎像一个刚体一样旋转,与大气相比,差速旋转至少减少一个数量级。此外,我们发现大气纬向流延伸到 2,000 多公里和不到 3,500 公里,使其完全符合独立于奇重力谐波获得的约束条件。该深度对应于电导率变大且磁阻力应抑制差速旋转的点。鉴于电导率取决于行星质量,我们预计土星的外部差异旋转区域至少深三倍,而在大质量巨行星和褐矮星中则更浅。500 公里,使其完全符合独立于奇引力谐波的约束。该深度对应于电导率变大且磁阻力应抑制差速旋转的点。鉴于电导率取决于行星质量,我们预计土星的外部差异旋转区域至少深三倍,而在大质量巨行星和褐矮星中则更浅。500 公里,使其完全符合独立于奇引力谐波的约束。该深度对应于电导率变大且磁阻力应抑制差速旋转的点。鉴于电导率取决于行星质量,我们预计土星的外部差异旋转区域至少深三倍,而在大质量巨行星和褐矮星中则更浅。