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The effect of particle rotation on the motion and rejection of capsular particles in slit pores
AIChE Journal ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-26 , DOI: 10.1002/aic.16132
Armin Delavari 1 , Basavaraju Agasanapura 1 , Ruth E. Baltus 1

The results from a two‐dimensional computational model describing the motion of capsule‐shaped particles in a slit pore under small Re conditions are reported. Average particle velocities and particle rejection coefficients were determined for capsules with aspect ratios of 2 and 4. Two different approaches were used to characterize particle rotation and hydrodynamic particle‐pore wall interactions. In one approach, all sterically allowed particle orientation angles had equal probability, i.e., infinite rotational diffusion was assumed. In the second approach, particles were allowed to freely rotate in the pore; particle orientations were dictated by hydrodynamic forces acting on the particle surface and rotational particle diffusion was neglected. Minimal lateral migration across the pore was observed for the freely rotating particles. Although particle alignment was observed for the freely rotating particles, rejections predicted from the two approaches were found to be in close agreement. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 64: 2828–2836, 2018



报告了二维计算模型的结果,该模型描述了小Re条件下狭缝中胶囊形颗粒的运动。确定纵横比为2和4的胶囊的平均颗粒速度和颗粒截留系数。使用两种不同的方法来表征颗粒旋转和流体动力颗粒孔壁相互作用。在一种方法中,所有空间允许的粒子定向角均具有相同的概率,即假定无限旋转扩散。在第二种方法中,允许粒子在孔中自由旋转;粒子的取向是由作用在粒子表面的流体动力决定的,而忽略了旋转粒子的扩散。对于自由旋转的颗粒,观察到穿过孔的最小横向迁移。尽管观察到自由旋转粒子的粒子排列,但是发现通过两种方法预测的剔除率非常一致。©2018美国化学工程师学会AIChE J,64:2828–2836,2018