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Making waves: can radio reduce child mortality?
The Lancet Global Health ( IF 34.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(18)30035-4
Tim Colbourn , Audrey Prost

In The Lancet Global Health, Sophie Sarrassat and colleagues1 report on the first cluster randomised controlled trial of a radio intervention to reduce child mortality. The study is exceptional in its design and ambition: a systematic review of 111 mass media interventions to improve child survival found that only 32 used moderate to strong evaluation designs and only one measured an actual health outcome.2 This elegant Burkinabé trial bucks all trends.



《柳叶刀全球卫生》中,Sophie Sarrassat及其同事1报告了第一项针对降低儿童死亡率的放射干预的整群随机对照试验。这项研究在设计和野心方面都是出类拔萃的:对111项提高儿童生存率的大众媒体干预措施的系统评价发现,只有32项采用了中度到强力的评估设计,而只有一种评估了实际的健康结果。2这项优雅的Burkinabé试验与所有趋势背道而驰。