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Diving for Accurate Structures in the Ocean of Molecular Systems with the Help of Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemistry
Accounts of Chemical Research ( IF 18.3 ) Pub Date : 2018-02-05 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.7b00603
Cristina Puzzarini 1 , Vincenzo Barone 2

The prediction and interpretation of structural properties are the starting points for a deep understanding of thermochemistry, kinetics, and spectroscopic signatures of molecular systems. To give an example, detailed knowledge of the conformational behavior of the main building blocks of biomolecules in the gas phase (i.e., without the perturbing effect of the environment) is a mandatory prerequisite toward the understanding of the role played by different interactions in determining the biological activity in terms of structure–activity relationships. The first step to take is an unambiguous definition of molecular structure. We address the so-called Born–Oppenheimer equilibrium structure, which is defined in a rigorous manner and isotopically independent, and the target accuracy. For the latter, we aim at so-called “spectroscopic” accuracy, which implies uncertainties of a few milliangstroms for bond lengths and smaller than a tenth of degree for angles.


