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Taking down defenses to improve vaccines
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-18 , DOI: 10.1126/science.aar5421
John R. Teijaro 1 , Dennis R. Burton 1, 2

A new approach to generating influenza virus vaccines could improve responses Vaccines have been spectacularly successful in durable protection against a range of pathogens. However, they have been less successful against pathogens that have evolved immune escape mechanisms (1). For example, the influenza virus surface glycoprotein hemagglutinin (HA), which is the main target (antigen) for protective antibodies, shows enormous sequence diversity between different strains, meaning that antibodies induced by immune responses to one strain of the virus tend to be either inefficient or ineffective against other strains. This observation is often associated with the need for a new influenza vaccine every year. However, the escape mechanisms of influenza virus extend beyond antigenic variation of surface proteins. For example, wild-type viruses typically encountered in natural infection can suppress the host type I interferon (IFN-I) response, which provides the first line of defense against viral infections and promotes stimulation of an optimal immune response (2). On page 290 of this issue, Du et al. (3) describe the generation of a variant influenza virus that, in contrast to the wild type, is hyper-interferon-sensitive (HIS) and therefore attenuated (reduced in virulence). Attenuated viruses typically have lower immune responses than their wild-type counterparts but, in this case, the level of attenuation still resulted in robust immune responses. The authors propose that the HIS approach could form the basis for a more effective influenza vaccine.



一种生产流感病毒疫苗的新方法可以改善反应 疫苗在针对一系列病原体的持久保护方面取得了惊人的成功。然而,它们对已经进化出免疫逃逸机制的病原体不太成功 (1)。例如,流感病毒表面糖蛋白血凝素 (HA) 是保护性抗体的主要靶标(抗原),在不同毒株之间显示出巨大的序列多样性,这意味着对一种病毒株的免疫反应诱导的抗体往往是对其他菌株无效或无效。这一观察结果通常与每年需要一种新的流感疫苗有关。然而,流感病毒的逃逸机制超出了表面蛋白的抗原变异。例如,通常在自然感染中遇到的野生型病毒可以抑制宿主 I 型干扰素 (IFN-I) 反应,它提供抵御病毒感染的第一道防线并促进最佳免疫反应的刺激 (2)。在本期第 290 页上,Du 等人。(3) 描述了变异流感病毒的产生,与野生型相比,该病毒对干扰素高度敏感 (HIS),因此减毒(毒力降低)。减毒病毒的免疫反应通常低于野生型病毒,但在这种情况下,减毒水平仍会导致强大的免疫反应。作者提出 HIS 方法可以为更有效的流感疫苗奠定基础。它提供了抵御病毒感染的第一道防线,并促进了最佳免疫反应的刺激 (2)。在本期第 290 页上,Du 等人。(3) 描述了变异流感病毒的产生,与野生型相比,该病毒对干扰素高度敏感 (HIS),因此减毒(毒力降低)。减毒病毒的免疫反应通常低于野生型病毒,但在这种情况下,减毒水平仍会导致强大的免疫反应。作者提出 HIS 方法可以为更有效的流感疫苗奠定基础。它提供了抵御病毒感染的第一道防线,并促进了最佳免疫反应的刺激 (2)。在本期第 290 页上,Du 等人。(3) 描述了变异流感病毒的产生,与野生型相比,该病毒对干扰素高度敏感 (HIS),因此减毒(毒力降低)。减毒病毒的免疫反应通常低于野生型病毒,但在这种情况下,减毒水平仍会导致强大的免疫反应。作者提出 HIS 方法可以为更有效的流感疫苗奠定基础。对干扰素高度敏感 (HIS),因此减毒(降低毒力)。减毒病毒的免疫反应通常低于野生型病毒,但在这种情况下,减毒水平仍会导致强大的免疫反应。作者提出 HIS 方法可以为更有效的流感疫苗奠定基础。对干扰素高度敏感 (HIS),因此减毒(降低毒力)。减毒病毒的免疫反应通常低于野生型病毒,但在这种情况下,减毒水平仍会导致强大的免疫反应。作者提出 HIS 方法可以为更有效的流感疫苗奠定基础。