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Development of melt-stretching technique for manufacturing fully-recyclable thermoplastic honeycombs with tunable cell geometries
Materials & Design ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2017.12.025
Calvin Moes , Glenn Hibbard

Abstract Honeycomb sandwich panels of several cell geometries were created by stretching polycarbonate melts between opposing platens. Perforations for air ingress through one of the platens were employed to enable and direct the formation of cells within the honeycomb, demonstrating a simple means to produce complicated architectures. Platen temperature, consolidation pressure, and platen movement speeds were each investigated to establish a range of effective process parameters. Honeycomb panels were successfully produced with areal densities of 0.18 g cm- 2 to 0.42 g cm- 2 and panel thicknesses ranging from 6 mm to 32 mm. The cell geometries were found to be effectively modeled by Voronoi diagrams seeded by the perforations used for air ingress. This model was validated by the successful production of hexagonal-, square-, and triangular-celled honeycombs, as well as an architecture combining all three cell shapes. Analysis of several samples via computed tomography provided insight into the internal distribution of material. Out-of-plane compressive testing was used to probe the mechanical performance of the structures. Minimal variation in buckling strength was found between the different honeycomb geometries, but post-failure behavior was dependent on cell shape.



摘要 通过在相对压板之间拉伸聚碳酸酯熔体,制成了具有多种单元几何形状的蜂窝夹层板。空气通过其中一个压板进入的穿孔被用来实现和引导蜂窝内细胞的形成,展示了一种生产复杂结构的简单方法。分别研究了压板温度、固结压力和压板移动速度,以建立一系列有效的工艺参数。蜂窝板已成功生产,面密度为 0.18 g cm-2 至 0.42 g cm-2,面板厚度范围为 6 mm 至 32 mm。发现细胞几何形状可以通过用于空气进入的穿孔所播种的 Voronoi 图进行有效建模。该模型已通过成功生产六边形、方形、和三角形蜂窝状蜂窝,以及结合所有三种蜂窝形状的架构。通过计算机断层扫描对几个样品的分析提供了对材料内部分布的深入了解。平面外压缩测试用于探测结构的机械性能。在不同的蜂窝几何形状之间发现屈曲强度的变化最小,但失效后的行为取决于单元形状。