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Reverse Effect of Opuntia ficus-indica L. Juice and Seeds Aqueous Extract on Gastric Emptying and Small-Bowel Motility in Rat
Journal of Food Science ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-22 , DOI: 10.1111/1750-3841.13990
Kaïs Rtibi 1, 2 , Slimen Selmi 1 , Khouloud Saidani 1 , Dhekra Grami 1 , Mohamed Amri 2 , Hichem Sebai 1 , Lamjed Marzouki 1, 2

This study was conducted to compare the effects of juice and seeds on gastric emptying, small-bowel motility and intestinal ion transport. Separate groups of rats were randomized to receive NaCl, increasing doses of juice (5, 10, and 20 mL/kg, b.w.) or seeds aqueous extract (100, 200, and 400 mg/kg, b.w.). Simultaneously, two other groups were received, the reference drugs; clonidine (1 mg/kg) and yohimbine (2 mg/kg). The charcoal meal was used as a suspension for gastrointestinal motility test. The purgative action of juice was confirmed using the loperamide (5 mg/kg, p.o.) induced constipation. To evaluate the antisecretory effect, we were used as a hypersecretion agent, the castor oil at the dose of 5 mL/kg. Compared to the control and standard groups, we were showed that the prickly pear has an opposite effect on small-bowel motility and gastric emptying. Indeed, the juice at various doses has a laxative effect of gastrointestinal transit in healthy and constipated-rats. However, the aqueous extract of the seeds leads to a reduction of motility in normal rats which gives it a remarkable antidiarrhoeal activity, a notable intestinal fluid accumulation decline and electrolyte concentrations reestablishment. Moreover, orally juice administered at different doses accelerated the stomach emptying time in contrast to the seeds aqueous extract. More importantly, a significant variation in the phytochemical constituents levels between juice and seeds was found. These findings confirm the reverse therapeutic effects of this fruit in the treatment of digestive disturbances such as difficulty stool evacuation and massive intestinal secretion, likewise, the gastric emptying process perturbation.



本研究旨在比较果汁和种子对胃排空、小肠蠕动和肠道离子转运的影响。不同组的大鼠随机接受氯化钠,增加果汁剂量(5、10 和 20 毫升/公斤,体重)或种子水提取物(100、200 和 400 毫克/公斤,体重)。同时接受另外两组,参考药物;可乐定 (1 mg/kg) 和育亨宾 (2 mg/kg)。木炭粉用作胃肠蠕动试验的悬浮液。使用洛哌丁胺 (5 mg/kg, po) 诱导的便秘证实了果汁的通便作用。为了评估抗分泌作用,我们使用了剂量为 5 mL/kg 的蓖麻油作为过度分泌剂。与对照组和标准组相比,我们发现仙人掌对小肠蠕动和胃排空有相反的影响。事实上,不同剂量的果汁对健康和便秘的大鼠具有胃肠道通便作用。然而,种子的水提取物导致正常大鼠运动性降低,这使其具有显着的止泻活性、显着的肠道积液减少和电解质浓度恢复。此外,与种子水提取物相比,以不同剂量给药的口服果汁加速了胃排空时间。更重要的是,发现果汁和种子之间的植物化学成分水平存在显着差异。