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Cluster Preface: C–O And Related Bond Activation
Synlett ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-20 , DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1592031
Mamoru Tobisu 1 , Naoto Chatani 1 , Victor Snieckus 2

Mamoru Tobisu received his PhD from Osaka University under the direction of Prof. Shinji Murai (2001). During his PhD studies, he was a visiting scientist (1999) with Prof. Gregory C. Fu at MIT. Following a period as a scientist at the Takeda Pharmaceutical Company (2001–2005), he started his academic career at Osaka University in 2005 as an assistant professor with Prof. Naoto Chatani. He was then appointed as an associate professor at the Center for Atomic and Molecular Technologies at Osaka University (2011) and was promoted to full professor at the Department of Applied Chemistry of Osaka University (2017). He received the Thieme Chemistry Journals Award (2008), the Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists (2009), the Young Scientists’ Award, a Commendation for Science and Technology from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2012), the Merck-Banyu Lectureship Award (2012), Thomson Reuters Research Front Award (2016), and the Mukaiyama Award (2018). Naoto Chatani received his PhD in 1984 under Professors Noboru Sonoda and Shinji Murai. In 1984, he joined the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research at Osaka University as an Assistant Professor in the laboratory of Professor Terukiyo Hanafusa. After postdoctoral studies (1988–1989 under Professor Scott E. Denmark at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), he moved back to Osaka University and was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor (1992) and to Full Professor (2003). He is a recipient of The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Young Chemists (1990), The Green & Sustainable Chemistry Award from the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2005), the Nagoya Silver Medal (2013), The Chemical Society of Japan Award (2017), a Humboldt Research Award (2017), a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher (2017) and will be a recipient of an Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award (2018). Victor Snieckus was born in Kaunas, Lithuania and spent his childhood in Germany during World War II. He received training at U. Alberta, Canada, (B.Sc.), U. California, Berkeley (M.Sc. D.S. Noyce), and U. Oregon (Ph.D. Virgil Boekelheide). He returned to his adopted country for postdoctoral studies (National Research Council, Ottawa, Ted Edwards). Appointments: U. of Waterloo, Assistant (1966) to Professor (1979); Monsanto/NRC Industrial Research Chair, 1992–1998; Queen’s University, Inaugural Bader Chair in Organic Chemistry (1998–2009); Bader Chair Emeritus and Director, Snieckus Innovations, 2009-. Selective awards: A.C. Cope Scholar (2001, one of 5 Canadians), Order of the Grand Duke Gediminas (2002, from the President of Lithuania), Arvedson-Schlenk (2003, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker), Bernard Belleau (2005, Canadian Society for Chemistry), Givaudan-Karrer Medal (2008, U. Zurich), Honoris causa (2009, Technical U. Tallinn, Estonia), Global Lithuanian Award (2012), Yoshida Lectureship (2017). He hopes that he has only temporarily discontinued playing hockey and wishes also to return to the clarinet.


集群前言:C-O 和相关键的激活

Mamoru Tobisu 在 Shinji Murai 教授的指导下从大阪大学获得博士学位(2001 年)。在攻读博士学位期间,他在麻省理工学院与 Gregory C. Fu 教授一起担任访问科学家(1999 年)。在武田制药公司(2001-2005 年)担任科学家一段时间后,他于 2005 年在大阪大学开始了他的学术生涯,担任北谷直人教授的助理教授。2011年任大阪大学原子分子技术中心副教授,2017年晋升大阪大学应用化学系正教授。他获得了 Thieme Chemistry Journals Award (2008)、日本化学会青年化学家奖 (2009)、青年科学家奖、文部科学大臣奖,科学技术(2012年)、默克-半育讲座奖(2012年)、汤森路透研究前沿奖(2016年)、向山奖(2018年)。Naoto Chatani 于 1984 年在 Noboru Sonoda 和 Shinji Murai 教授的指导下获得博士学位。1984年,他加入大阪大学科学与工业研究所,担任Terukiyo Hanafusa教授实验室的助理教授。在完成博士后研究(1988-1989 年在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 Scott E. Denmark 教授的指导下)后,他回到大阪大学并晋升为副教授(1992 年)和正教授(2003 年)。他是日本化学会青年化学家奖(1990 年)、文部科学大臣绿色可持续化学奖(2005 年)的获得者,名古屋银奖(2013 年)、日本化学会奖(2017 年)、洪堡研究奖(2017 年)、Clarivate Analytics 高被引研究员(2017 年),并将获得 Arthur C. Cope 学者奖(2018 年) )。Victor Snieckus 出生于立陶宛考纳斯,二战期间在德国度过了童年。他在加拿大艾伯塔省 (B.Sc.)、加州大学伯克利分校 (MSDS Noyce) 和美国俄勒冈州 (Ph.D. Virgil Boekelheide) 接受培训。他回到他的领养国家进行博士后研究(国家研究委员会,渥太华,Ted Edwards)。任命:滑铁卢大学,助理(1966 年)至教授(1979 年);孟山都/NRC 工业研究主席,1992-1998 年;女王大学,首届有机化学 Bader 主席(1998-2009);Bader 名誉主席兼 Snieckus Innovations 董事,2009 年至今。选择性奖励:AC Cope 学者(2001 年,5 名加拿大人之一),格迪米纳斯大公勋章(2002 年,立陶宛总统颁发),Arvedson-Schlenk(2003 年,Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker),Bernard Belleau(2005 年,加拿大化学学会), Givaudan-Karrer 奖章 (2008, U. Zurich), Honoris causa (2009, Technical U. Tallinn, Estonia), Global Lithuanian Award (2012), Yoshida Lectureship (2017)。他希望他只是暂时停止打曲棍球,也希望重返单簧管。吉田讲座(2017)。他希望他只是暂时停止打曲棍球,也希望重返单簧管。吉田讲座(2017)。他希望他只是暂时停止打曲棍球,也希望重返单簧管。