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CD22-targeted CAR T cells induce remission in B-ALL that is naive or resistant to CD19-targeted CAR immunotherapy
Nature Medicine ( IF 82.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-20 , DOI: 10.1038/nm.4441
Terry J Fry , Nirali N Shah , Rimas J Orentas , Maryalice Stetler-Stevenson , Constance M Yuan , Sneha Ramakrishna , Pamela Wolters , Staci Martin , Cindy Delbrook , Bonnie Yates , Haneen Shalabi , Thomas J Fountaine , Jack F Shern , Robbie G Majzner , David F Stroncek , Marianna Sabatino , Yang Feng , Dimiter S Dimitrov , Ling Zhang , Sang Nguyen , Haiying Qin , Boro Dropulic , Daniel W Lee , Crystal L Mackall

CD22-targeted CAR T cells induce remission in B-ALL that is naive or resistant to CD19-targeted CAR immunotherapy

CD22-targeted CAR T cells induce remission in B-ALL that is naive or resistant to CD19-targeted CAR immunotherapy, Published online: 20 November 2017; doi:10.1038/nm.4441

Fry et al. report the first results from a human trial of a CD22-directed chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy providing evidence of efficacy in the treatment of pre–B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia that is immunotherapy-naive or resistant to CD19-directed CAR T cells.


靶向CD22的CAR T细胞诱导B-ALL的缓解

靶向CD22的CAR T细胞诱导B-ALL的缓解

靶向CD22的CAR T细胞可诱导B-ALL的缓解,该反应对CD19靶向CAR免疫治疗是天真的或具有抗性,在线发布:2017年11月20日; doi:10.1038 / nm.4441

Fry等。报告了一项针对CD22定向嵌合抗原受体(CAR)T细胞疗法的人类试验的首项研究结果,为治疗未经免疫治疗或对CD19定向CAR T耐药的前B细胞急性淋巴细胞白血病提供了有效的证据。细胞。