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Purinyl-cobamide is a native prosthetic group of reductive dehalogenases
Nature Chemical Biology ( IF 14.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-06 , DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.2512
Jun Yan , Meng Bi , Allen K Bourdon , Abigail T Farmer , Po-Hsiang Wang , Olivia Molenda , Andrew T Quaile , Nannan Jiang , Yi Yang , Yongchao Yin , Burcu Şimşir , Shawn R Campagna , Elizabeth A Edwards , Frank E Löffler

Purinyl-cobamide is a native prosthetic group of reductive dehalogenases

Purinyl-cobamide is a native prosthetic group of reductive dehalogenases, Published online: 06 November 2017; doi:10.1038/nchembio.2512

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In organohalide-respiring bacteria, reductive dehalogenases cleave carbon–halogen bonds using cobamide prosthetic groups. Desulfitobacterium hafniense uses an unprecedented cobamide variant, which includes unsubstituted purine, for this function.

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Purinyl-cobamide是还原性脱卤素酶的天然修复组,在线发布:2017年11月6日;doi:10.1038 / nchembio.2512

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在呼吸有机卤化物的细菌中,还原性脱卤素酶使用钴酰胺辅基裂解碳-卤素键。 哈夫氏脱硫杆菌 为此功能使用了前所未有的cobamide变体,其中包括未取代的嘌呤。

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