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Innate Receiver Bias: Its Role in the Ecology and Evolution of Plant–Animal Interactions
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-02 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-110316-023039
Florian P. Schiestl 1

Receiver bias in plant–animal interactions is here defined as “selection mediated by behavioral responses of animals, where those responses have evolved in a context outside the interactions.” As a consequence, the responses are not necessarily linked to fitness gains in interacting animals. Thus, receiver bias can help explain seemingly maladaptive patterns of behavior in interacting animals and the evolution of plant traits that trigger such behavior. In this review, I discuss principles of receiver bias, show its overlap with mimicry and how it differs from mimicry, and outline examples in different plant–animal interactions. The most numerous and best documented examples of receiver bias occur within plant–pollinator interactions. I elaborate on the ability of some plants to heat up their flowers (i.e., floral thermogenesis) and argue that this trait likely evolved under receiver bias, especially in pollination systems with oviposition mimicry. Further examples include signals in insect-mediated seed ...



植物 - 动物相互作用中的接收器偏差在这里被定义为“由动物的行为反应介导的选择,其中这些反应是在相互作用之外的环境中进化的。” 因此,这些反应不一定与互动动物的适应性增益有关。因此,接收器偏差可以帮助解释在相互作用的动物中看似不适应的行为模式以及触发这种行为的植物性状的进化。在这篇评论中,我讨论了接收器偏差的原则,展示了它与拟态的重叠以及它与拟态的不同之处,并概述了不同植物-动物相互作用中的例子。接收器偏差的最多和最好记录的例子发生在植物 - 传粉者相互作用中。我详细阐述了一些植物加热花朵的能力(即,花产热)并认为这种特性可能是在接收器偏差下进化的,特别是在具有产卵模拟的授粉系统中。进一步的例子包括昆虫介导的种子中的信号......