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Death by Gun Violence—A Public Health Crisis
JAMA Psychiatry ( IF 25.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-01 , DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.3616
Howard Bauchner 1 , Frederick P. Rivara 2 , Robert O. Bonow 3 , Neil M. Bressler 4 , Mary L. (Nora) Disis 5 , Stephan Heckers 6 , S. Andrew Josephson 7 , Melina R. Kibbe 8 , Jay F. Piccirillo 9 , Rita F. Redberg 10 , John S. Rhee 11 , June K. Robinson 12

The shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada, that left 59 people dead, 10 times that number wounded, and thousands of people with the psychological distress from being present at the scene during and after the massacre has once again raised the issue of what we as a nation can and should do about guns. The solution lies in not just focusing on Las Vegas and the hundreds of other mass shootings that have occurred in the United States in the last 14 months, but rather to underscore that on average almost 100 people die each day in the United States from gun violence. The 36 252 deaths from firearms in the United States in 20151 exceeded the number of deaths from motor vehicle traffic crashes that year (36 161).1 That same year, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 5 people died from terrorism. Since 1968, more individuals in the United States have died from gun violence than in battle during all the wars the country has fought since its inception.2



内华达州拉斯维加斯的枪击案造成59人死亡,是受伤人数的10倍,大屠杀期间及之后,数千人因现场心理困扰而再次提出了一个问题:国家可以而且应该在枪支问题上做。解决的办法是不只是集中在拉斯维加斯,并在过去14个月中发生在美国的数以百计的其他大规模射杀的,而是要强调的是,在平均近100人每人死一天从枪支暴力在美国。2015年,美国因枪支死亡的死亡人数为36252人1,超过了当年因机动车交通事故而死亡的人数(36 161人)。1个同年,美国疾病预防控制中心报告说,有5人死于恐怖主义。自1968年以来,美国自枪支暴力死亡以来的人数超过了自成立以来在所有战争中的战斗人数。2个
