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Could Brazil’s community health model ease pressure on NHS general practice?
The BMJ ( IF 105.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-31 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.p1203
Charles Ebikeme 1

A scheme brought from South America to a deprived London estate aims to bridge the gap between the NHS and people who don’t engage with health services. Charles Ebikeme examines its goals, successes, and challenges In a GP surgery in Pimlico, London, Cornelia Junghans-Minton meets with a small group. The subject under discussion is their community: chiefly, residents who need health services but often don’t engage with the health system. “At the moment [health] services rely on people to reach out to get help,” says Junghans-Minton, a GP—“but a lot of people are not even aware that they have a problem, or they find it really difficult to reach out. And so, everything we do is at a late stage when it’s already in crisis, and it’s expensive to fix.” The group she is talking to is Westminster’s “community health and wellbeing workers” (CHWWs), who visit families in their own homes on the borough’s Churchill Gardens housing estate to provide health and wellbeing advice, connecting residents with NHS services and other community support. These salaried members of the local community regularly go from door to door to discuss residents’ specific health needs as well as wider issues determining health. As one of the most deprived communities in London, the estate has a persistently low vaccination uptake, a low cancer screening uptake, high comorbidities, and an overall poor life expectancy. These CHWWs are the UK vanguard of a proactive and hyperlocal approach to …


巴西的社区健康模式能否减轻 NHS 全科医疗的压力?

一项从南美带到伦敦贫困庄园的计划旨在弥合 NHS 与不参与医疗服务的人之间的差距。Charles Ebikeme 审视其目标、成功和挑战 在伦敦 Pimlico 的一家全科医生诊所,Cornelia Junghans-Minton 会见了一小群人。讨论的主题是他们的社区:主要是需要医疗服务但通常不参与医疗系统的居民。“目前 [健康] 服务依赖于人们主动寻求帮助,”全科医生 Junghans-Minton 说,“但很多人甚至没有意识到他们有问题,或者他们发现很难伸手。因此,我们所做的一切都处于危机的后期阶段,而且修复成本很高。” 她正在与之交谈的小组是威斯敏斯特的“社区健康和福利工作者”(CHWWs),他们到该区丘吉尔花园住宅区的家中拜访家庭,提供健康和福祉建议,将居民与 NHS 服务和其他社区支持联系起来。这些当地社区的受薪成员定期挨家挨户讨论居民的具体健康需求以及决定健康的更广泛问题。作为伦敦最贫困的社区之一,该庄园的疫苗接种率一直很低,癌症筛查率很低,合并症很高,总体预期寿命很短。这些 CHWW 是英国积极主动和超本地化方法的先锋...... 这些当地社区的受薪成员定期挨家挨户讨论居民的具体健康需求以及决定健康的更广泛问题。作为伦敦最贫困的社区之一,该庄园的疫苗接种率一直很低,癌症筛查率很低,合并症很高,总体预期寿命很短。这些 CHWW 是英国积极主动和超本地化方法的先锋...... 这些当地社区的受薪成员定期挨家挨户讨论居民的具体健康需求以及决定健康的更广泛问题。作为伦敦最贫困的社区之一,该庄园的疫苗接种率一直很低,癌症筛查率很低,合并症很高,总体预期寿命很短。这些 CHWW 是英国积极主动和超本地化方法的先锋......