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Factors influencing smart facilities management – Stakeholder perspectives and the implication
Journal of Building Engineering ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-05-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106959
Huiying (Cynthia) Hou

Smart facilities management (FM), which embraces innovative solutions, integrates the operation of the city, the built environment and the people to achieve social, economic and environment sustainability. While previous studies investigated how to improve the smartness at the city and building levels, very few studies examined the application of smart technologies at the industry level. As FM industry connects the city and the buildings, its role in facilitating smart city development should be reinforced. This study depicts a smart FM ecosystem, on which a mixed method investigation into smart technologies application in the FM industry was conducted. The investigation is divided into two parts: in-depth interviews and an industry survey with FM professionals. Based on the findings from the interviews, a questionnaire was designed for survey implementation. The Kruskal–Wallis H test, AHP-based ranking, factor analysis and path analysis methods were used to analyse the survey results. A total of 14 factors were identified, along with their importance rankings, and were consolidated into three key factors. To illustrate the key factors and their relationships, an example of implementation of the EV-charging at Home Subsidy Scheme is provided.



智能设施管理 (FM) 采用创新解决方案,将城市运营、建筑环境和人员整合起来,以实现社会、经济和环境的可持续发展。虽然之前的研究调查了如何提高城市和建筑层面的智慧,但很少有研究考察智能技术在行业层面的应用。调频产业连接城市与建筑,促进智慧城市建设的作用应得到加强。本研究描绘了一个智能 FM 生态系统,对 FM 行业中的智能技术应用进行了混合方法调查。调查分为两部分:深度访谈和FM专业人士的行业调查。根据访谈的结果,为调查的实施设计了一份问卷。Kruskal–Wallis H 检验、基于层次分析法的排序、因子分析和路径分析方法用于分析调查结果。总共确定了 14 个因素及其重要性排名,并合并为三个关键因素。为了说明关键因素及其之间的关系,我们提供了一个实施电动汽车居家充电补贴计划的例子。
