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Roda and Terreiro: The Historiography of Brazil’s Visual Arts at the Crossroads of Globalization
Arts Pub Date : 2023-05-16 , DOI: 10.3390/arts12030103
Roberto Conduru 1

The article focuses on Brazil’s visual arts historiography from the 1990s onwards when institutions in Europe and the U.S. began to present Brazil’s art more frequently amid the growing globalization of the art system. Edge cases are highlighted to demonstrate how scholars based outside Brazil are helping to build a canon of that country’s visual arts that contrasts and surpasses the canon of Brazil’s visual arts outlined in Brazil’s collections, exhibitions, publications, and scholarly production. The image of roda (circle) in Ronald Duarte’s Nimbo/Oxalá and Ricardo Basbaum’s image/idea of “terreiro de encontros” (terrace of encounters) are proposed as Afro-Brazilian references with which to face the challenges of these historiographic crossroads.


Roda 和 Terreiro:全球化十字路口的巴西视觉艺术史

这篇文章重点关注自 1990 年代以来巴西的视觉艺术史,当时欧洲和美国的机构在艺术体系日益全球化的情况下开始更频繁地展示巴西的艺术。边缘案例被突出显示,以展示巴西以外的学者如何帮助建立该国视觉艺术的经典,对比并超越巴西收藏、展览、出版物和学术作品中概述的巴西视觉艺术经典。Ronald Duarte 的 Nimbo/Oxalá 中的 roda(圆圈)图像和 Ricardo Basbaum 的“terreiro de encontros”(相遇平台)图像/想法被提议作为非裔巴西人的参考,以应对这些历史学十字路口的挑战。