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Farm to Food Bank: Exploring the Ties between Local Food Producers and Charitable Food Assistance☆
Rural Sociology ( IF 4.078 ) Pub Date : 2023-04-26 , DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12489
Alana Haynes Stein 1 , Catherine Brinkley 2

This research explores the dependencies between community food security and local food movements. We use a mixed methods approach that includes: analysis of 2.97 million pounds of food bank donations from 296 organizations, network analysis of the local food system with 77 farms and 439 market connections, and 24 interviews with food bank donors and staff. We find strong ties between the food bank and local food producers, particularly producers that are organic and sell directly to the public. Nearly half the donating farms also sold to local markets; and together supplied the majority of locally produced food (296,090 pounds) distributed by the food bank. Yet, both movements operate within capitalist systems, even when the food is decommodified. Producer motivations for donating are not purely based on social responsibility to feed the hungry but also acknowledge the financial and marketing benefits of donating in terms of receiving tax credits, participating in procurement programs, and improving public relations. Our findings suggest that research and policy focused on local food systems or food security should consider such ties and their implications for growing or maintaining resulting practices.



这项研究探讨了社区粮食安全与当地粮食流动之间的依赖性。我们采用混合方法,包括:对来自 296 个组织的 297 万磅食品银行捐款进行分析,对拥有 77 个农场和 439 个市场联系的当地食品系统进行网络分析,以及对食品银行捐赠者和工作人员进行 24 次访谈。我们发现食品银行和当地食品生产商之间有着密切的联系,特别是有机食品并直接向公众销售的生产商。近一半的捐赠农场还出售给当地市场;共同提供了食品银行分发的大部分当地生产的食品(296,090 磅)。然而,这两种运动都是在资本主义体系内运作的,即使食品已经非商品化。生产者的捐赠动机不仅仅是基于养活饥饿者的社会责任,而且还承认捐赠在获得税收抵免、参与采购计划和改善公共关系方面的财务和营销效益。我们的研究结果表明,关注当地粮食系统或粮食安全的研究和政策应考虑这种联系及其对发展或维持由此产生的做法的影响。