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Surfing the raging sea: pregnancy and motherhood in dance during a pandemic
Research in Dance Education Pub Date : 2023-02-28 , DOI: 10.1080/14647893.2023.2172560
Ali Duffy 1


During the COVID-19 pandemic, pregnant people and mothers in the United States have faced untenable conditions as they grapple with simultaneous professional and personal demands without access to adequate financial, career, or caregiving support. These simultaneous demands are not new to women, but the pandemic set inequities between working mothers and childfree workers and between women and men in even starker contrast. This article explores responses from 110 (self-identified) women participants about how their role of mother has changed, how their professional and personal lives have changed, how they have adapted to the pandemic era, and what kinds of support have or would have been helpful during this time. The participants’ words point to areas of positive benefit and areas of needed growth and change in dance industries and workplaces and reframe the ways we construct our ideas of motherhood and expectations of mothers. I centralize their experiences for the benefit of everyone working in dance so that we may support each other in a revolution of dance as an inclusive, accessible, diverse field of equity and opportunity.




在 COVID-19 大流行期间,美国的孕妇和母亲在无法获得足够的经济、职业或护理支持的情况下同时应对专业和个人需求时,面临着难以为继的处境。这些同时提出的要求对女性来说并不新鲜,但疫情在职业母亲和无子女工人之间以及女性和男性之间形成了更加鲜明的对比。本文探讨了 110 名(自我认同的)女性参与者的回应,内容涉及她们母亲的角色发生了怎样的变化、她们的职业和个人生活发生了怎样的变化、她们如何适应大流行时代,以及已经或将会得到哪些支持这段时间很有帮助。参与者的话指出了舞蹈行业和工作场所的积极收益领域以及需要增长和变革的领域,并重新构建了我们构建母性观念和母亲期望的方式。我将他们的经验集中起来,以造福所有从事舞蹈工作的人,这样我们就可以在舞蹈革命中相互支持,将其作为一个包容、可及、多样化的公平和机会领域。
