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North Atlantic right whale faces extinction
Science ( IF 56.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-11-09 , DOI: 10.1126/science.358.6364.703
Elizabeth Pennisi 1

In a sad reversal of fortune, the North Atlantic right whale is in deep trouble again after rebounding in recent decades from centuries of hunting. Recent population trends are so dire that experts say the whale could vanish within 20 years. At a meeting of the Society for Marine Mammalogy in Halifax, Canada, experts reported that roughly 100 reproductively mature females remain. They are not surviving long enough or reproducing quickly enough for the species to survive. Ship strikes have long been a threat, and fatal entanglements in commercial fishing gear are taking an increasing toll. Even when an entangled female doesn’t die, the gear she drags can exhaust her, making her less likely to reproduce. The range of Eubalaena glacialis, the North Atlantic right whale—is one of the most “industrialized” stretches of ocean in the world, crowded with threats including ships, fishing operations, and energy infrastructure and governments are not keeping up with implementing protective policies as the whales shift northward in the summer.



在命运的悲惨逆转中,北大西洋露脊鲸在经历了几个世纪的狩猎后,在近几十年来反弹后再次陷入困境。最近的人口趋势非常可怕,专家说这条鲸鱼可能会在 20 年内消失。在加拿大哈利法克斯海洋哺乳动物学会的一次会议上,专家报告说大约有 100 只生殖成熟的雌性仍然存在。它们的存活时间或繁殖速度不足以使物种生存。长期以来,船舶撞击一直是一种威胁,商业渔具中的致命纠缠正在造成越来越大的损失。即使被缠住的雌性没有死亡,她拖曳的装备也会使她筋疲力尽,使她不太可能繁殖。Eubalaena glacialis(北大西洋露脊鲸)的范围是世界上最“工业化”的海域之一,