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Researcher, Heal Thyself?
Circulation Research ( IF 20.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-27 , DOI: 10.1161/circresaha.117.311221
Mary Burchett Sheppard 1

“You see doctor, when I found out you had Marfan syndrome and I saw that you were pregnant, I felt so jealous I could not stand it. Then I realized, if you did it, maybe I could, too.” My mind raced with ways to respond. I did not answer as quickly as usual. She took my pause as an opportunity to continue… “You know, I love my foster babies. I feel so blessed. It’s just hard to wake up every morning and remember that they can be taken away. I have three now…they are siblings. Their mother is addicted to drugs. But I think she is pregnant again, so I might be able to have four children.” My patient looked into my eyes intently. I continued to listen. “You give me so much hope. I thought I would die if I tried to have a baby, so my husband got a vasectomy. But if it is possible for me to carry a baby, he will try to have it reversed. Please doctor, tell me the truth. Is it safe for me to have a baby?” I usually do not disclose my diagnosis to my patients. I have always felt that my role as a physician is to ease THEIR suffering, not mine. I learned very early in my training that patient visits should …



“您去看医生,当我发现您患有马凡氏综合症并且看到您怀孕时,我感到非常嫉妒,无法忍受。然后我意识到,如果您做到了,也许我也可以。” 我的头脑竞相回应。我没有像往常一样迅速回答。她把我的停顿作为继续的机会……“你知道,我爱我的养育婴儿。我感觉如此幸运。每天早上醒来并记住可以将它们带走是很难的。我现在有三个……他们是兄弟姐妹。他们的母亲沉迷于毒品。但是我认为她又怀孕了,所以我也许可以生四个孩子。” 我的病人专心地看着我的眼睛。我继续听。“你给我很大的希望。我以为如果我要生孩子就会死,所以我丈夫做了输精管结扎术。但是,如果我有可能抱婴儿,他将尝试将其倒转。请大夫,告诉我真相。我生孩子安全吗?” 我通常不将诊断信息透露给我的患者。我一直觉得我作为医生的职责是减轻他们的痛苦,而不是减轻我的痛苦。我在训练的很早就得知,患者就诊应该……