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Volatilization and oxidative artifacts of PM bound PAHs at low volume sampling (2): Evaluation and comparison of mitigation strategies effects
Chemosphere ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.09.062
Catia Balducci , Angelo Cecinato , Valerio Paolini , Ettore Guerriero , Mattia Perilli , Paola Romagnoli , Carmela Tortorella , Renato Michele Nacci , Aldo Giove , Antonio Febo

The artifacts induced by oxidative degradation and volatilization were assessed with regards to determination of particulate atmospheric PAHs collected at low volume conditions (2.3 m3 h−1) according to the EU Reference Method EN 12341:2014. In order to evaluate the oxidative degradation, PAH measures carried out through collecting airborne particulate with and without ozone denuders were examined. Simultaneously, the influence of volatilization was investigated by comparing concentrations of PAHs in particulate samples collected over 24-h and 12-h using conventional instruments. Summer and winter/spring campaigns were carried out in order to assess the influence of environmental contour on the artifact processes. Oxidative degradation led to a general decrease of PAH concentrations in both periods; in particular, the highest losses were observed for benzo[a]pyrene and perylene reaching, in average, ca. 20%. In the summer, the effect of volatilization exceeded that of oxidative degradation for light PAHs up to benzo[e]pyrene. In the winter/spring time, the influence of both artifact typologies could be mitigated by splitting the normal 24-h collection interval starting at midnight into two 12-h intervals. A mitigation of the losses could even be obtained by fixing the start time sampling fixed at noon or in the first hours of the day. Finally, the feasibility of collecting PAHs through prolonged sampling (>1 month) at the flow rate of 1.1 L min−1 was preliminarily investigated. Results indicated that this approach is unsuitable for minimizing the oxidative artifacts.



评估了由氧化降解和挥发引起的伪影,以确定在小体积条件下(2.3 m 3  h -1)收集的大气中的多环芳烃),方法是根据欧盟参考方法EN 12341:2014。为了评估氧化降解,检查了通过收集有或没有臭氧剥蚀剂的空气中颗粒物而采取的多环芳烃措施。同时,通过比较使用常规仪器在24小时和12小时内收集的颗粒样品中PAHs的浓度,研究了挥发的影响。为了评估环境轮廓对人工制品过程的影响,进行了夏季和冬季/春季运动。氧化降解导致两个时期的PAH浓度普遍下降;特别是,苯并[ a]的损失最高。py和per平均达到约 20%。在夏季,对于轻质PAHs直至苯并[e] re,挥发的影响都超过了氧化降解的影响。在冬季/春季,可以通过将从午夜开始的正常24小时采集间隔分为两个12小时间隔来减轻两种工件类型的影响。通过固定固定在中午或一天的头几个小时的开始时间采样,甚至可以减轻损失。最后,初步研究了通过长时间采样(> 1个月)以1.1 L min -1的流量收集多环芳烃的可行性。结果表明该方法不适用于使氧化伪影最小化。