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Erroneous Sentence in Cancer Care Chronicles Article
JAMA Oncology ( IF 28.4 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2017.1363
Reshma Jagsi 1

To the Editor I write to correct an erroneous statement that was included in my Cancer Care Chronicles article, “From Muslim Registries to Radical Health Care Reform-Caring for Patients in an Era of Political Anxiety,” that was published online on February 3, 2017, and in the March issue of JAMA Oncology.1

In the course of explaining that I understood why one of my patients was concerned about the inclusion of her religious background in her electronic medical record due to the current sociopolitical climate, I included a sentence about a student at my institution having been threatened with being set afire by a stranger for wearing a hijab. The source of this information came from a University of Michigan institutional crime alert that was sent via campus-wide email on November 12, 2016,2 and subsequent email to the campus community from President Mark Schlissel and other leaders on November 13, 2016.3 The institution’s message stated, “In the days since last Tuesday’s election, people in our community have experienced hateful attacks, both on an individual level and as members of groups…We saw a threatening message painted on the rock near our campus; a student walking near campus was threatened with being lighted on fire because she wore a hijab; another student left his apartment to go to class and found a swastika with a message telling him to go home. Some students have also been shouted at and accused of being racist because of their political views.” Relying on this information, I submitted my manuscript to JAMA Oncology on December 2, 2016. On December 21, the University of Michigan cancelled the crime alert regarding the incident with the student wearing the hijab because, upon investigation, detectives had determined the incident in question did not occur.2 The online copy of the November 13, 2016, email from campus leaders that was posted on the internet was thus amended by adding a parenthetical hyperlink to the cancellation notice, “(this crime alert has been canceled),” after the word “hijab.” Unlike the original alert and institutional announcement, however, notification of the cancellation and amendment were not emailed to the community, and so I was unaware of the subsequent developments until an astute reader contacted the editors of JAMA Oncology.



我写给编辑是为了纠正我的《癌症护理纪事》中的一篇错误声明,该文章“从穆斯林注册表到彻底的政治改革,关注政治焦虑时代的患者”,该文章于2017年2月3日在线发布,以及三月号的“ JAMA肿瘤学”1个

在解释过程中,我理解为什么我的一位患者担心由于当前的社会政治气候而将她的宗教背景纳入她的电子病历中时,我在句子中写道,我所在机构的一名学生被威胁要被安置一名陌生人因为戴头巾而着火。该信息的来源来自密歇根大学的机构犯罪警报,该警报于2016年11月12日通过校园范围的电子邮件2发送,随后于2016年11月13日由马克·施利瑟尔总统和其他领导人发送给校园社区的电子邮件。3该机构的信息说:“自上周二大选以来,我们社区中的人们遭受了可憎的袭击,无论是在个人层面还是作为团体成员……我们都在校园附近的岩石上看到了威胁性的信息;一名在校园附近散步的学生因为戴着头巾而受到点燃着火的威胁;另一名学生离开公寓去上课,发现了一个sw字,上面有一条信息告诉他回家。由于他们的政治见解,一些学生还被大喊大叫,并被指控种族主义。” 依靠这些信息,我将手稿提交给了JAMA肿瘤学2016年12月2日。密歇根大学取消了与戴头巾的学生有关事件的犯罪警报,因为经调查,侦探确定该事件没有发生。2因此,通过在取消标题“ hijab”后面的取消通知中添加括号超链接“((此犯罪警报已被取消)”)来修改2016年11月13日来自校园领导者的电子邮件的在线副本。 。” 但是,与最初的警报和机构公告不同,取消和修订的通知没有通过电子邮件发送给社区,因此直到精明的读者联系JAMA肿瘤学的编辑之前,我才意识到其后的发展。
