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Ammonium-based fertilizers enhance Cd accumulation in Carpobrotus rossii grown in two soils differing in pH
Chemosphere ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.09.032
Miaomiao Cheng , Anan Wang , Caixian Tang

Nitrogen fertilization has been shown to improve Cd uptake by plants but there is little information on the effects of N forms. This study examined the effects of N form on Cd bioavailability and phytoextraction in two soils differing in pH. Plants of halophytic species Carpobrotus rossii were grown in an acidic Sodosol [pH (CaCl2) 4.9] and a neutral Vertosol (pH 7.2) spiked with 20 mg kg−1 Cd as CdCl2. Three N forms, KNO3, (NH4)2SO4 and (NH2)2CO at a rate of 24 mg N kg−1 were applied at weekly intervals, together with nitrification inhibitor dicyanodiamide (DCD). Cadmium availability was measured, and Cd speciation in the rhizosphere analysed using synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The uptake, translocation and accumulation of Cd in plants were also assessed. The reduced N forms (NH4+ and urea), compared to NO3-N, decreased rhizosphere pH by 0.25 units in Sodosol and 0.72 units in Vertosol, but decreased Cd-phosphate (by 23%) only in the Vertosol. Moreover, the reduced N forms increased the extractable Cd concentration in the rhizosphere of the Vertosol by 92% and of the Sodosol by 14%. They increased root Cd concentration by 70% and Cd uptake per unit root length by 40% in the Vertosol, and increased the translocation of Cd from the roots to the shoots by 76% in the Sodosol. The results suggest that the supply of NH4+-based N favors Cd phytoextraction in C. rossii.



氮肥已显示可改善植物对Cd的吸收,但关于N形态影响的信息很少。这项研究检查了氮的形态对两种pH值不同的土壤中Cd的生物利用度和植物提取的影响。盐生种罗氏Carbobrotus rossii的植物生长在酸性Sodosol [pH(CaCl 2)4.9]和中性Vertosol(pH 7.2)中,掺入20 mg kg -1 Cd作为CdCl 2。三种N形式KNO 3,(NH 42 SO 4和(NH 22 CO的比率为24 mg N kg -1每隔一周与硝化抑制剂双氰胺(DCD)一起使用。测量了镉的有效性,并使用基于同步加速器的X射线吸收光谱法分析了根际中的Cd形态。还评估了镉在植物中的吸收,转运和积累。还原氮形态(NH 4 +和尿素),相比NO 3 --N,在Sodosol中将根际pH降低0.25个单位,在Vertosol中将其降低0.72个单位,但仅在Vertosol中降低Cd-磷酸盐(降低23%)。此外,还原的N形式使Vertosol和Sodosol根际中Cd的可提取Cd浓度增加了14%。在Vertosol中,它们使根部Cd浓度增加了70%,每单位根长Cd吸收量增加了40%,而在Sodosol中,Cd从根向芽的转运增加了76%。结果表明,基于NH 4 +的N的供应有利于C. rossii中Cd的植物提取。