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Extending the Social Justice Call to Treatment Outcomes
JAMA Pediatrics ( IF 26.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-09-01 , DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2017.1903
Julie M. Zito 1

To the Editor Kudos to Racine for calling the pediatric community to consider its role in a social justice framework.1 His call should extend to all of us in the pediatric research community as well. Further, I propose that it is even more critical where mental health treatment of the poor may result in overtreatment. Applying John Rawls’ ethical decision model to assure a just mental health treatment decision means forming a decision without knowing whether the child is poor and socially deprived or well off in a socially privileged environment or whether the caregiver is a foster parent or the pediatrician’s or researcher’s daughter. Most critically, a just decision may depend on the prescriber’s greater proportional responsibility for a continually evolving awareness of the strengths and limitations of the pediatric pharmacologic and treatment knowledge base as treatments are used over time.



致敬Racine的编辑Kudos,他呼吁儿科社区考虑其在社会正义框架中的作用。1个他的呼吁也应该扩展到儿科研究界的所有人。此外,我建议,对穷人的精神健康治疗可能会导致过度治疗的情况更为重要。应用约翰·罗尔斯(John Rawls)的道德决策模型来确保公正的精神健康治疗决策意味着在不知道孩子是否贫穷,在社会上处于特权地位的社会贫困或富裕或看护人是养父母还是儿科医生或研究人员的情况下做出决策。女儿。最关键的是,一个公正的决定可能取决于开处方者的更大比例责任,因为随着时间的流逝,随着治疗的不断发展,儿童药理学和治疗知识基础的优势和局限性将不断发展。
