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J. Paul Taylor
Neuron ( IF 16.2 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-30 00:00:00 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.08.027

J. Paul Taylor is a pioneer in the field examining how disruptions in intrinsically disordered segments in proteins perturb phase transitions and underlie neurological diseases, such as ALS. In an interview withNeuron, he shares how understanding first principles of biology is essential for disease therapy development, why “fishing expeditions” are his favorite experiments, and how he overcame NIH budget cuts when starting his lab.


保罗·泰勒(J. Paul Taylor)

保罗·泰勒(J. Paul Taylor)是该领域的先驱,致力于研究蛋白质内在无序节段的破坏如何扰乱相变并成为诸如ALS等神经系统疾病的基础。在接受Neuron的采访时,他分享了如何理解生物学的基本原理对于疾病疗法的发展至关重要,为什么“捕鱼探险”是他最喜欢的实验,以及他如何在开始他的实验室时克服了NIH的预算削减问题。