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Harmonization of community health worker programs for HIV: A four-country qualitative study in Southern Africa
PLOS Medicine ( IF 15.8 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-08 , DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002374
Jan-Walter De Neve , Henri Garrison-Desany , Kathryn G. Andrews , Nour Sharara , Chantelle Boudreaux , Roopan Gill , Pascal Geldsetzer , Maria Vaikath , Till Bärnighausen , Thomas J. Bossert


Community health worker (CHW) programs are believed to be poorly coordinated, poorly integrated into national health systems, and lacking long-term support. Duplication of services, fragmentation, and resource limitations may have impeded the potential impact of CHWs for achieving HIV goals. This study assesses mediators of a more harmonized approach to implementing large-scale CHW programs for HIV in the context of complex health systems and multiple donors.

Methods and findings

We undertook four country case studies in Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, and Swaziland between August 2015 and May 2016. We conducted 60 semistructured interviews with donors, government officials, and expert observers involved in CHW programs delivering HIV services. Interviews were triangulated with published literature, country reports, national health plans, and policies. Data were analyzed based on 3 priority areas of harmonization (coordination, integration, and sustainability) and 5 components of a conceptual framework (the health issue, intervention, stakeholders, health system, and context) to assess facilitators and barriers to harmonization of CHW programs. CHWs supporting HIV programs were found to be highly fragmented and poorly integrated into national health systems. Stakeholders generally supported increasing harmonization, although they recognized several challenges and disadvantages to harmonization. Key facilitators to harmonization included (i) a large existing national CHW program and recognition of nongovernmental CHW programs, (ii) use of common incentives and training processes for CHWs, (iii) existence of an organizational structure dedicated to community health initiatives, and (iv) involvement of community leaders in decision-making. Key barriers included a wide range of stakeholders and lack of ownership and accountability of non-governmental CHW programs. Limitations of our study include subjectively selected case studies, our focus on decision-makers, and limited generalizability beyond the countries analyzed.


CHW programs for HIV in Southern Africa are fragmented, poorly integrated, and lack long-term support. We provide 5 policy recommendations to harmonize CHW programs in order to strengthen and sustain the role of CHWs in HIV service delivery.






我们在2015年8月至2016年5月间在莱索托,莫桑比克,南非和斯威士兰进行了四个国家案例研究。我们与参与提供CHW计划的艾滋病毒服务的捐助者,政府官员和专家观察员进行了60次半结构化访谈。访谈根据已发表的文献,国家报告,国家卫生计划和政策进行了分类。根据协调的3个优先领域(协调,整合和可持续性)和概念框架的5个组成部分(卫生问题,干预,利益相关方,卫生系统和背景)对数据进行了分析,以评估促进CHW计划协调的因素和障碍。人们发现,支持艾滋病毒规划的体力劳动者支离破碎,融入国家卫生系统的程度很低。利益相关者普遍支持加强协调,尽管他们认识到协调的若干挑战和弊端。协调的主要推动者包括(i)现有的大型国家CHW计划和对非CHW计划的认可;(ii)对CHW使用共同的激励措施和培训过程;(iii)存在致力于社区卫生计划的组织结构,以及( iv)社区领导人参与决策。主要障碍包括广泛的利益相关者,以及非政府CHW计划的所有权和责任感。我们研究的局限性包括主观选择的案例研究,我们对决策者的关注以及超出所分析国家/地区的普遍性有限。协调的主要推动者包括(i)现有的大型国家CHW计划和对非CHW计划的认可;(ii)对CHW使用共同的激励措施和培训过程;(iii)存在致力于社区卫生计划的组织结构,以及( iv)社区领导者参与决策。主要障碍包括广泛的利益相关者,以及非政府CHW计划的所有权和责任感。我们研究的局限性包括主观选择的案例研究,我们对决策者的关注以及超出所分析国家/地区的普遍性有限。协调的主要推动者包括(i)现有的大型国家CHW计划和对非CHW计划的认可;(ii)对CHW使用共同的激励措施和培训过程;(iii)存在致力于社区卫生计划的组织结构,以及( iv)社区领导人参与决策。主要障碍包括广泛的利益相关者,以及非政府CHW计划的所有权和责任感。我们研究的局限性包括主观选择的案例研究,我们对决策者的关注以及超出所分析国家/地区的普遍性有限。(iv)社区领导人参与决策。主要障碍包括广泛的利益相关者,以及非政府CHW计划的所有权和责任感。我们研究的局限性包括主观选择的案例研究,我们对决策者的关注以及超出所分析国家/地区的普遍性有限。(iv)社区领导人参与决策。主要障碍包括广泛的利益相关者,以及非政府CHW计划的所有权和责任感。我们研究的局限性包括主观选择的案例研究,我们对决策者的关注以及超出所分析国家/地区的普遍性有限。


