Welcome to GEMS: AGU's submission system

Radio Science Radio Science (RDS) publishes original research papers on electromagnetic propagation at radio frequencies from extremely low frequencies to tremendously high frequencies (3 Hz to 3 THz), and at visible light frequencies (430 THz to 790 THz) and its applications. Contributions may address propagation through, interaction with, and remote sensing of structures, geophysical media, plasmas, and materials, and applications to remote sensing of the Earth and extra-terrestrial signals. Contributions covering measurement, modelling, prediction and forecasting techniques pertinent to fields and waves, antennas, signals, and systems both terrestrial, air and space-based including the following but not limited to: Radio astronomy, Remote sensing, Radar including SuperDarn and incoherent radar, Satellite communication, Telecommunications across the electromagnetic spectrum, Visible light communication, Channel modelling, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, Propagation in presence of artificial material and meta-surfaces, Wireless power transfer, On-body networks, Electromagnetic compatibility, Total Radiated Power (TRP) and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), Artificial Intelligence/machine Learning, Quantum communication, technical papers disclosing new and significant research are also welcome. The technical content of papers must be both new and significant. Experimental data must be complete and include sufficient description of experimental apparatus, methods, and relevant experimental conditions.

The journal does not publish papers on the geophysics of space plasmas which are better suited for publication in JGR: Space Physics.

We welcome Technical Reports: Method submissions. These papers detail technology and techniques that will advance research in the field. They should contain at least one example of their application. A full summary is described in an editorial here.

Publication fees: Requests for waivers are considered by AGU and the editors. Send your request in an email to the journal or in your cover letter. Many institutions cover completely or offer discounts on open-access author publishing charges (APC) in AGU journals.

Editor in Chief: Sana Salous

Add your ORCID to GEMS and always have this identifier link you and all of your work. AGU encourages all authors and reviewers to create and add an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) to their account. It’s easy: just update your profile on an existing account or add ORCID when you create your account. Learn more about ORCID.

ORCIDS will now be required for all corresponding authors and strongly encouraged for coauthors.
AGU officially joins with a number of other publishers in a commitment to include the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) for authors of all papers published. See statement https://eos.org/agu-news/agu-opens-its-journals-to-author-identifiers

All AGU journal content from 1997 to 24 months ago is freely available online. Your published paper will become fully open 24-months after publication.

Please note: Your username/password will be synched across AGU and be a universal login. The AGU membership site will be accessible with the same username/password you have used or updated in GEMS, and vice versa.

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